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Mili Oxley

If you are new here, chances are the title of this blog post reeled you in. If you’re a regular, you know that I am big on simplifying and streamlining tasks around the house! Christmas time is a stressful time and it can also be a super messy time in the home! Things become easily chaotic and it can be quick to fall behind on keeping your home organised!

Keep reading for some realistic action steps you can apply today to getting and keeping your home clutter-free this christmas season.

If you can relate to at least one of these statements, chances are you can benefit from ONE TASK that will help you and your family keep your home clutter-free:

  • You are always trying to de-clutter.

  • You struggle with too much stuff.

  • You feel crabby when things are left out around the house.

  • You can’t find things quickly.

  • You have threatened to throw out or give away all.the.things.

Ready for the ‘secret’ task that will change everything you know about cleaning house? That’s a little bit overboard but if you and your family put it into motion, it WILL change how your home looks, feels, and functions.


Mind blowing, right? Not really, but it’s a simple thing that will save time and energy every single day when it is put into practice. When you’re running from one place to another or rushing around, it’s so much easier to just leave that makeup on the counter, those toys on the floor, the dishes on the sink, etc. Think about how much time you’d save if things where were they belonged AND think about how you’d feel if your house felt less cluttered and messy.

Maybe you try really hard to put things away or maybe you remind your kids multiple times a day to put things away, but you still have that cluttered feeling. Need some realistic and attainable action steps that you can put into practice TODAY to try this one simple task?


  • WORST CASE SCENARIO | If your home is cluttered and needs some attention immediately, grab three garbage bags and load them up with things to donate or toss. Still cluttered? Repeat until you can see the floor and you feel less overwhelmed with the current situation.

  • BEST CASE SCENARIO | If you simply have a couple scattered things that need to be put away, run around and gather them up in a small laundry basket and put them in their proper places. Enlist help from other members of your family and get it done in a hurry.

  • SOMEWHERE IN BETWEEN | Grab a garbage bag and fill it up with things to toss or donate. Fill a small laundry basket with things that need to be relocated and put them away.


  • TAKE IT OUT, PUT IT AWAY | Put this simple phrase into practice. Think about it yourself throughout the day and really try to put things away as you take them out or bring them into the house. Teach your kids how to put this into practice as well by enforcing the rule throughout the day. It’s amazing what a difference it will make!

  • CLUTTER | Take care of it daily. Every single day of the week take a couple minutes to put things away. For kids, a nightly quick clean up is helpful for putting the habit into practice. If you notice on my cleaning routine, CLUTTER appears daily. That’s because it needs to be dealt with on a daily basis.

  • MAIL | Mail and paper have a way of multiplying if they aren’t dealt with routinely. When you bring the mail in, process it. When the kids bring home papers, process them. Don’t let the paper pile up or it will take over your counters and kitchen table.

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